I'm commiting myself

Saturday, October 13, 2007

No, the title does not mean to a state hospital. I'm commiting myself to being healthy once and for all... again.

Today I went to Weight Watchers for the first time in two months. During my break (and a litte before too, lets be honest) I had gained back quite a bit of weight. Not a little, a lot. So, when I stepped on the scale to "weigh in" and the scale went past my recent high, the conversation with the lady went something like this:

Her: If you could just step up here... (pointing to the scale)
Me: How much clothes can I take off to weigh in before I get arrested?
Her: Um...
Me: Wait, the scale is no longer showing any numbers... Is "big as a house" really an option on this scale?
Her: Apparently...

So, I have decided that I'm going to record my weight loss on this blog as well. Don't fear, there will be no bathing suit pictures of before and after, just updates on how I am doing. And maybe I will be honest in my weight loss; however, the cadbury creme eggs are still under the bed, there are creme brulees in the fridge, and half a pumpkin pie. Wish me luck.


Megan said...

Holly don't worry. Scientists are now saying that chocolate is HEALTHY for you!! So don't look at it as "cheating", you are merely prolonging the health and condition of your life for the benefit of yourself and all who love you. Keep your stash!

Megan said...

P.S. I know people say "You're pregnant, the weight doesn't count" But I'm pretty sure its not supposed to be depositing steadily on my dierrer, sp?. No joke. I got out the tape measure this morning and my butt is 7+ inches bigger than my belly!! I guess my stash of Snickers, Peanut butter cups, M&M's, and Chip's A Hoy might not quite count as the "healthy" chocolate. Holly- you'll still love me for who I am, right?

Holly Moore said...
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Holly Moore said...

Megan I will always LOVE you! I'm pretty sure that you being pregnant or not, I still won't be able to fit my butt into your little pants. (=

Jillyboo said...

ummmm. sounds good. The cream eggs and pumpkin pie, not the healthy part. Send some snacks my way, I'll eat them for the both of us!

Kendyl said...

Holly! It's Kendyl Daly! I just found your blog and I should so be at WW with you! I know your pain all too well. Good luck, email me at Kendyldaly@hotmail.com so I can get your email address and add you to my blog. I have mine private.