Pretty new clothes
Fabulous hair cut
Flattering makeup
Sexy shoes
Bloody zombie-esque eye
New jewelry
Now I gather that most people don't stock up on each of these items before a big day; some people already have the great hair, or the perfect makeup, but it's hard to find the bloody eye. Thankfully I acquired one before both of my events that required good looks; my wedding and my one humorous attempt at American Idol (a blog to follow this confession that I swore I would take to my grave to come shortly). It went down like so:
Five days before the wedding:
Jarom and I are sitting in our Italian Language class joking around. Something strikes me as extremely funny, in fact so funny that I bang my head with excessive gusto against the wall behind me when I throw back my head to get out a really good laugh. After seeing stars for a second I groan an "owww" which of course Jarom finds hilarious.
Four days before the wedding:
In Nordstom's I am viewing the jewelry counter, looking for a gorgeous bracelet or earrings to wear with my wedding dress. As I look down Jarom gasps loudly and says, "What is on your eye!?"
"What do you mean, what is on my eye?" I ask panicked
"There', on your eye..." Jarom answers, his face contorted in fear and intrigue. I can tell that even though this freaks him out, he also thinks it's kinda cool.
I look in the mirror but don't see anything, although I now notice that my eye feels like there is a small grain of sand when I close it. Jarom gently pulls up on my eyelid and reveals what he's just discovered. A bloody massive hemorrhage on my eyeball that looks like my eye has exploded from the inside out. Shoot!
"What is that?" I ask in a heightened whisper, then draw attention by crying. "Get it off!"
When I arrive home I quickly call the doctors and set up an appointment. The next day is the earliest I can get in and I'm sure I am dying slowly while I wait to see someone. The rest of the day is spent staring into the mirror while mentally composing my will. Mozart's "requiem for a dream" is playing hauntingly in the background for my tragic demise.
Three days before the wedding:
In the doctor's office Dr. so and so informs me that I am not in fact dying, but rather I have sustained my gory eye from a head injury.
"Have you been hit in the head?" He asks, while eying Jarom who is looking baffled.
"No." I answer.
"You haven't had any blunt trauma to the head?" He coaxes again.
Ah, now I remember. I guess slamming my head into the wall would count, but I'm certainly not going to admit that. How does one admit that after laughing like a wild hyena they slammed their head into the wall with enough force that it broke a blood vessel, without looking like an idiot? Better to remain silent.
"Nope." I respond.
Jarom moves to interrupt and offer my embarrassing moment as an explanation for my crazy eye that is now becoming more visible by the hour. I reward him with an icy bloody stare that would send chills to the most stout hearted, since it now is the epitome of the evil eye in it's finest. A baby cries on the next room.
I then ask in order to change the subject, "How long will it take to go away?"
"Well," he answers, "it should start moving down the eye and eventually be absorbed back into the body. It will be totally gone in about five days"
Excuse me, I'm getting married in three...
Day of wedding:
My eye has absorbed most of the blood, but just like the good doctor said I have specks of blood that have moseyed on down to visible level, and my eye is now pink with yellow and red spots. Classy. Thankfully you can't tell in my pictures except that one of my eyes looks a bit dark. I prefer to think that I'm brooding in those pictures... in one eye...
Dealing with guests is a bit different. Most people expect a bright eyed bride, not a bright red eyed bride. Most of the day is spent talking to people who don't know me but look cross-eyed at my frightening eye as we converse than back away slowly as they leave. I'm sure they fear that I have picked up a new form of rabies and don't want to turn their back on me. For the first time in my life I wish I had a gigantic chest so there was something else for them to look at while we talk. Unfortunately I don't and I must resist the urge to bite people.
Since this blog is getting long I will cut to the chase on the American Idol story:
First- you know that myth about closing your eyes when you sneeze and how your eyeballs will pop out if you keep them open? It's true. I am proof.
Five days before Jarom and I drove down to San Francisco for American Idol, I made the mistake of driving on a windy freeway when I had to sneeze. I was afraid that in the four seconds it took to sneeze someone would slam on their breaks and I would ultimately die in a car wreck. So instead of closing my eyes like a proper person, I kept them a crack open and went to town with my sneeze. Disaster averted I arrived to work safely only to discover in the bathroom at work that my eye had exploded this time in a very visible spot. Oh fabulous!

Needless to say, the lady who judged me was frightened, I did not make American Idol and I received stares for 2 weeks until this stubborn explosion disappeared. So as a friendly reminder I leave with you two words of advice:
Don't sneeze with your eyes open
If you must throw your head back when you laugh please make sure that you are in an open area where head banging will not occur.
Good luck.
OH my heck HOlly!! I was dying! I remember the second time, only I don't remember knowing why... you crack me up. Why are there so many myths about sneezing? Eyes blowing out, ear drums blowing out if you don't do the "choo" part with gusto... crazy. I bet none of them are true. Thank you for clearing up at least one for me.
OH MY HOLLY!!! You truly have the best stories EVER! I think you experiece way too much. I was laughing so hard (sorry, it really should not be funny), but then at other times feeling very very sad for you. I cannot believe for your wedding day (I would have been freaking out too) and then for American Idol. Have you ever tried out again? You should! The best part of all of it is the way you tell your stories. It is great. I bet your neices and nephews love hearing you tell a story. Really, reading this blog is one of my favorite things I do! Every time I have to type in those dumb cfgpeh things on someones blog I totally think "Holly Tanner I TOTALLY Agree!" every time! Seriously.
You know, i can't remember the red eye on your wedding day. It doesn't show in the pictures, thank goodness.
Wow, that eye looks scary! You're like one of those horny toad guys who can shoot blood from its eye to scare away predators!
Red and green do go together well, you know?!
Ditto to Mom, thank heavens you couldn't see it on your wedding day. That would have been a bummer!
holy cow- that stinks! your eye looks horrible! ouch!
Ok I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. You are such a gifted writer, amazing storyteller, you are so hilarious. I love reading your blog. I can't wait for more posts!
LOL! You should just have told the doctor the truth, that Jarom was in one of his drunken rages when he slammed your head into the wall. When you lie to the doctor like you did, the real evil eye finds you and punishes you!
Holly, I am crying I am laughing so hard. You have such a way with words. I love your blog. I have read your rolo story like 10 times and Trent and I think it is just hilarious! Kamdyn keeps telling me to stop shaking (because I am laughing so hard).
PS I can't wait to try that indian recipe...yum!
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