In your dreams!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Adidas black stretch running pants with the white stripes and reflective adidas symbol on the bottom buyers, beware!

Joseph (from the bible, not your local grocer or some other guy) interpreted that 7 thin ears of corn would follow 7 fat ears as a sign that after 7 good years of harvest, 7 years of famine would follow. I know that I am not Joseph, but I have another dream that needs to be addressed.

The other evening I found myself in a dream that was very intense while at the same time a little confusing. Even in my dream I was thinking, "Ummm... what did you sniff last night? Glue? Wet paint?" You see, I was in my storage unit looking for something when I realized that I was not alone. If any of you have seen inside my storage unit you would discover that first there is no room to be looking for something, and second if something else was in there it had to be very small and flat and not much of a predator.

Suddenly my dream took a very M. Night Shyamalan twist. In "Lady In The Water" there are these beasts that look like the lawn, so you can't see them except their red eyes through a mirror or if they are about to eat you. In my dream I had the urge to grab my handy bible and hold it out in front of me, like a mini light shield. (It was my first nice bible set that still had my name Holly Tanner in gold cursive too) Apparently whatever urged me to do this knew that I was not alone either for there sitting on the bench was my pair of Adidas pants. (Insert your traditional "duh duh duh!" in lowering octives here please) However, my pants, which still looked like pants, was now a very dangerous monster complete with red eyes and claws. Thankfully I had my bible and was able to distroy the beast! Yes...

So, the question now is this: what did that dream mean, besides that I am deranged? Will it follow with Joseph's translations that my excersise pants were in storage because I will get fatter for 7 years and then slim down for 7 years? If so I will go cry in the bathroom right now. Possibly that the world will be overtaken by overzealous bible hating runners? Maybe even that my running pants will cause some kind of rash or chaffing and it will be necessary to pray for healing? I have no idea. But I do know that I need a break from these dreams!

Joseph, or I guess Pharoah, ain't got nothin' on me.


Anonymous said...

It meant that for seven years you have been in school, sitting at a desk getting "soft," like me, and now those seven years are over and it's time to put on those running pants, that represent a "beast" of a work out. So for the next seven years you are going to get more and more ripped until even Jarom looks fat. The bible symbolizes all those stories of righteous people fasting for answers to prayers, which means you will also need to fast, or diet, to become ripped like Jarom. Fasting (dieting) turns even kind decent people intp beasts, and for Jarom, this is also where the bible comes in. He will need it!

Anonymous said...


Finally a post! I check like five times a day!

Carly said...

Holly, that is a killer dream. Sometimes I think my running pants hate me too (since I have shoved them in the back of my closet and pretend I do not know where they are so I simply cannot run, no matter how I would like to). Maybe the bible is to remind us of D&C 89 where we are told to "run and not be weary." Dang it!

Kelly said...

Throw the pants away! Wait! Burn them first, then throw them away! Wait no, burn them and scatter the ashes to the wind!

Kelly said...

Throw the pants away! Wait! Burn them first, then throw them away! Wait no, burn them and scatter the ashes to the wind!

Angee said...

How about your just crazy like me. I wake up Dave and say "will you go with me to the kitchen" and he says "Why ?" And I say, "I am scared of the Gorilla" He looks at me and rolls over. Ha Angee

Colleen said...

Oh, Holly, I'm still laughing. I agree with Julie. Put on those beastly tight running pants and go run in the California sunshine.

Tasha said...

You are too funny. I do not like the dream though. . . I don't like dreaming. How come some people are cursed with dreaming and some are not? At least you are trying to get something out of yours. I just try to forget mine . . .or try to get too scared.